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Digital Marketing News & Updates for the First Week of April

April 1, 2021 | Team DMB
Digital Marketing News & Updates for the First Week of April

Can you believe it’s April already? We certainly can’t. This year seems like it’s been flying by, and nearly every day there’s a juicy news tidbit where the digital marketing sector is concerned. This week in our digital marketing blog, we touch on some ways YouTube is trying to protect creators, new Google algorithm updates, and how Facebook is helping advertisers earn more money. 

So let’s jump right into this week’s digital marketing updates! 

YouTube Takes Second Look at Dislike Button

Are you a fan of the dislike button on YouTube? We all know how the internet is a great place to be creative with online content, but sometimes, there can also be some negativity out there. YouTube has found that in some cases, users or companies can pile on dislikes in order to influence less enlightened users and unfairly push them away from a particular creator’s content. 

That’s why the world’s second-largest search engine is reassessing the dislike button and testing ways to decrease its negative effects. With the new design they’re testing, users will still be able to see the dislike button and click on it, but the overall number of dislikes will only be visible to creators, on the back end of the site. 

The verdict is still out on how users will respond to the change. However, other social media platforms have tried similar things in the past with limited success.

Google Announces New 2021 Algorithms 

To provide an even greater experience for users, Google is placing even more emphasis on user experience with its latest Google algorithm. In fact, UX (user experience) will be rated higher than even accelerated mobile pages, which might come as a surprise to some digital marketers since mobile search is booming right now. 

You’ll still need to have a mobile-friendly site for the best results, but UX will factor greatly into your rankings. So be sure to optimize your site accordingly, as well as take site speed and loading into account. A few ways to keep your website running quickly and boost UX is by removing any spam or malicious ads on your site, and always use Search Console and the other Google tools available to assess your site. 

Facebook Helps Advertisers Make More Money 

This year, with video and content creation on the rise on Facebook due especially to the pandemic, the social media network is trying to do its part to boost the returns of advertisers. To help creators and advertisers make more money and have a wider reach from their video content, Facebook is revising its rules for both users, as well as pages. Now, you’ll be able to earn ad revenue off of both live long and short videos, as well as ads launched during live streams. 

Contact us Today to Streamline Your Digital Marketing Campaigns! 

Do you want to maximize your marketing campaigns to increase leads and revenue? If so, contact a white label digital marketing agency online today. We also specialize in a white label SEO companywhite label PPC managementwhite label copywriting services, and much more!

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