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This Week in Digital Marketing: Facebook, Google, & Microsoft Updates

July 29, 2021 | Team DMB
This Week in Digital Marketing: Facebook, Google, & Microsoft Updates

What a week it’s been in the white label digital marketing agency sector. We’re certainly starting off 2021 with a bang, with big news from social media tycoon Facebook, everybody’s favorite search engine, Google, and some Microsoft updates. 

Let’s dive right into this week’s digital marketing news, shall we?

Facebook Updates Alt Text 

A recent update from Facebook now enables screen readers to read automatic alt text (AAT), making it easier for those who are vision-impaired to use the social media network. It will also change the way marketers interact with audience members, making photos more important than ever before. 

For example, now those who frequently share pictures of themselves running can be easily identified and targeted by brands that sell running shoes or exercise equipment. 

Google Emphasizes Sharing Stories Rather than Teasers 

Recently, the world’s leading search engine announced that it will not be featuring web stories that are more of a “content tease” on its search pages. The company is still working out the kinks of its new web stories feature and has realized since its implementation that users don’t want to have to click through to see a story. 

Piggybacking off of this decision, they’ve also shared some DOs & DON’Ts for their web stories, so users can get a better idea of how things work. This announcement is meant to help publishers and advertisers streamline their offerings, while still increasing leads and clickthroughs. 

Microsoft Advertising Announces New Link Filtering Extensions 

In an effort to help digital ads gain more visibility, as well as be more informative, Microsoft Advertising announced recently that it will include visible headers that highlight a company’s goods and services. These search filter link extensions provide an added layer when it comes to a white label SEO audit, so anyone searching for your products will see all of the vital information related to your business at a glance. 

These solutions will also provide more data and insight into sales, conversions, and future campaigns. 

Let Digital Marketing Blueprint Help Boost Your Online Marketing ROI! 

For years, we’ve been providing outstanding white label PPC tools, web design servicesmarketing automation solutions, and more. Contact us today to get started

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